Sunday 19th May: 6 mile long run (aim was to run for 60 minutes)
Monday 20th May: short interval session at the underpass, curtailed because the surface was slippery.
Tuesday 21st May: Pilates
Wednesday 22nd May: swimming, 16-20 lengths (lost count)
Thursday 23rd May: beginners' intervals (in heavy rain), then a 4 mile run, with a fast 400m interval at the end (7:10).
Sunday 26th May: long run with my sister in Lancashire, 10 miles with the first 5 up a 900 foot hill.
Monday 27th May: interval session, 6x 400m. 8:16, 7:18, 7:15, 7:12, 6:48, 7:40. Happy with that!
Tuesday 28th May: Pilates
Wednesday 29th May: circuit training. Managed a two-ball plank for the first time!
That's you up to date. This weekend I start Juneathon, daily running or exercise, plus blogging. So, two rest days before then.
Injury-wise, ankle (Achilles) is stiff every morning. My sister has offered to give me exercises to aid this. I'm also doing ankle rotations and icing daily.